Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dolphin and Diver

There was one baby dolphin already in this pod of spinner dolphins. My friend Nate was checking this dolphin out closely to see if there was perhaps another baby on the way.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Spinner Dolphin Close Encounter

A close swim by from a pod of spinner dolphins. I liked this picture because it seems all four dolphins are looking right at me. It is incredible to be in the water with such beautiful and intelligent animals.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sting Ray vs Nudibranch

I'm watching you. A blue spotted stingray lies in wait and eyes a nearby phyllidia sea slug off the little island of Kanawa, on the outskirts of the Komodo Islands National Park.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spear Fisherman

 Sometimes when I see a large, dark shadow at the edge of my vision while scuba diving it turns out to be a shark, and I get really excited. Other times it turns out to be a spear fishermen, and I get a little nervous. Even though I prefer to shoot fish with a camera, rather than a spear, I do acknowledge that spearfishing is possibly the single greatest way of being a selective fisherman. If done correctly the by catch, or catch that you don't want, should be zero. Plus it takes a lot of skill to be a good spear fishermen.