Monday, September 19, 2011

Day Octopus, Octopus cyanea

The day octopus, Octopus cyanea, is a common octopus found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, of eastern Africa and the Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands. This octopus excavates lairs in coral reefs and rubble fields which can be located by identifying "middens" outside the lair entrance which are typically the empty shells of bivalves and crabs which it has preyed upon.

Due to their hunting during daylight hours the day octopus has extremely effective camouflage ability. It can change the color and texture of its skin almost instantly by sending nerve impulses from its complex brain to its muscles. One was seen to change color over 1000 times during a 7 hour perious by biologist Roger Hanlan. 

One of my favorite sea creature, the octopus defies the imagination with its fantastic color changing, ability to squeeze through tiny cracks seemingly only big enough for its arm, vanishing in a cloud of ink, and eery intelligence rivaling some birds and mammals.

This day octopus stared me down until I finally moved on about 20ft deep at 5 Graves, Makena, Maui.

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